One Question to Ask Yourself When You Feel Unhappy in Your Job

Firstly, you’re not alone if you are unhappy in your job. Lots of people feel it, but it doesn’t have to be this way. I got to visit Facebook Singapore’s new office last week, where there was a panel discussion about having great workplaces. So apparently there’s this company…

CliftonStrengths Theme Insights – Learner

One of the more intuitively self-explanatory themes, Learner is the 2nd most frequent theme out of Gallup’s entire database of people worldwide who have taken the CliftonStrengths as of 2016. They are just behind Achiever at first place. Both themes are also most commonly paired together in the top…

Getting Started on Coaching Conversations

More than 18 million people worldwide have discovered their talents with the CliftonStrengths assessment. According to Gallup, knowing and using your talents makes you 6 times more likely to be engaged at work and 3 times more likely to have an excellent quality of life. As a manager, how…

Shifting Perceptions to Strengthen Relationships

My mother recently took the CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder) assessment. It was an “AHA” moment for both of us when we saw the results! I (Clare) started to link some of her behaviours to her talents, and thought it’d be interesting to use them as a case study for this…

Theme Insights – Restorative

Gallup describes the Restorative Talent Theme as such: You love to solve problems. Whereas some are dismayed when they encounter yet another breakdown, you can be energized by it. You enjoy the challenge of analyzing the symptoms, identifying what is wrong, and finding the solution. You may prefer practical…

Which Talents Work Well with Connectedness?

Connectedness is about seeing, thinking, feeling, and believing in the connections between people, ideas and happenings. It isn’t just about connecting the dots, but finding the synergy between those dots. How do the dots work for you? How does one event in the world affect you, the bigger picture,…

Theme Insights – Connectedness (Part II)

In a previous article, we found out how people with Connectedness have a knack for linking concepts together, enough to perpetuate creativity in discussions. Here, we take a step back and look at Connectedness with a macro view – what Connectedness looks like in its raw and mature forms,…

Theme Insights – Adaptability (Part II)

We learnt in a previous article that people with high Adaptability engage with change enthusiastically, and prefer to go with the flow. Their energies pool in the now and the present. As with any other talent theme, it can sometimes be perceived negatively. In this article, we look at some…

Are You Good Enough For Yourself?

“I didn’t do it perfectly and they know it. They’re judging me but aren’t saying it out loud.” “I could have responded in a much better way.” “People who can’t parent well shouldn’t have kids.” “He’s great when doing this but really comes up short when doing that.” These thoughts…

Theme Insights – Maximizer (Part II)

In a previous article we saw a brief overview of the characteristics of Maximizers and some ways to manage their tendency to work excessively on a task in their strive towards excellent standards. In this article, we take a deeper dive into what Maximizer means, and what it looks like…