Burnout: Recognizing and Addressing Chronic Stress

What is Burnout? Burnout is a term that is commonly used, but what exactly is it? In simple terms, burnout is chronic workplace stress that isn’t managed well, leading to exhaustion, emotional detachment from work, and reduced professional efficacy. It affects individuals in all professions, from artists to athletes…

One Question to Ask Yourself When You Feel Unhappy in Your Job

Firstly, you’re not alone if you are unhappy in your job. Lots of people feel it, but it doesn’t have to be this way. I got to visit Facebook Singapore’s new office last week, where there was a panel discussion about having great workplaces. So apparently there’s this company…

One Secret to True Happiness

One of the reasons people set goals is because there’s an underlying assumption that we gain greater happiness when we achieve our goals.  That can sometimes lead to entering into a never-ending chase of material things. And as we begin 2018, I’m sure many of us are setting new…

3 Guiding Principles for Powerful Communication

Effective communication is one of the most important skills we can develop, yet many of us fall short in this area. “Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair….

Quick Tips for Changing Behaviour

For the longest time, I’d been trying to change my eating behaviour. And sometimes with a loving mum, that can be difficult… With one of her widest smiles, my mum walked up to me and handed me a 3-pack Kinder Bueno box, knowing that I love chocolates. Most of…

The problem with the problem

One of the first steps I take in coaching is to help people identify their goals. Some clients start off by stating what they want to achieve, some start off with a problem they want to avoid or get rid of.  Regardless of their starting point, we always end up redefining both…

One key in Strengths Development – Habits

I need to build some new habits (or get rid of old ones) if I want to meet my goals. Like many guys, one of my goals is to get awesome-looking, lean six-pack abs. Vanity I know, but at least I’m honest about it.  Unfortunately, my belly now looks more…

Are You Good Enough For Yourself?

“I didn’t do it perfectly and they know it. They’re judging me but aren’t saying it out loud.” “I could have responded in a much better way.” “People who can’t parent well shouldn’t have kids.” “He’s great when doing this but really comes up short when doing that.” These thoughts…

Some Key Considerations for making a Career Transition

Starting a career or making a career transition can be both scary and challenging.  While many people have approached me for career profiling and coaching, one of the more interesting things I’ve heard is this: “Alex, the reason I’m approaching you for help is because I recently got terminated…

Happiness Comes Through Other People

Can money buy happiness? To answer this question, Harvard Business School Professor Michael Norton approached students on the campus of the University of British Columbia and gave them envelopes of cash. They were asked to, by the end of the day, either (a) spend the money on themselves, or…