Slow Down to Speed Up – Increasing Team Effectiveness

“Alex! Do you know that sometimes you scare people by how quickly you think and the questions that you ask in quick succession?” I was having a late night conversation with Sarah (name has been changed) about a church activity that our group was organising, and we were have a…

Strengths – What’s important about it

Why understanding our strengths is important, and how to unlock it.  Happy New Year Everyone!  As we begin the new year, many of us are evaluating our previous year’s goals and setting new ones for the year. Well, I have been doing so, and one of my personal goals…

How to create strategic partnerships easily with one simple principle

The Power of Strategic / Complementary Partnerships No man is an island – John Donne Many of us try to be a swiss army knife, capable of doing it all.  But even the most advanced swiss army knife can’t have all the tools squeezed into one single package.  If we…

How to improve your relationships with a perception exercise

I love optical illusions, don’t you?  They show us that the mind doesn’t see reality as it is, but rather interprets the information which then gives meaning to it.  This just about interpreting some abstract concept, but sensory information itself which we base our experience on and assume to…

Growing Strengths via 360 Feedback

In the strengths-based approach, we always start with talent, and finish with strength. This is where the role of 360 feedback becomes powerful.  Although the tool is named StrengthsFinder, what the results really tells us is our talent themes. To develop those talents into strengths, we need to invest time…

Career Profiling with Strong Interest Inventory

“People may spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.” – Thomas Merton I wish I had a profiling tool such as the Strong Interest Inventory to provide me with some career…

An Examined Life

Socrates said “An unexamined life is not worth living.” That’s an interesting thought.  In the previous post I had written on self-awareness, and Scott’s TED talks also touched on self-awareness. Where does this self-awareness or being an expert on self comes from? I believe it comes from taking time…

Tips on finding the right job for you

Here’s a brilliant video by Scott Dinsmore where he highlights some important points when finding the right job for yourself: 2 Keys in Finding The Right Job SELF-AWARENESS Scott highlights 3 things about people who are happy and successful in their careers: Unique Strengths –  These people are operating in…