Which Talents Work Well with Connectedness?

Connectedness is about seeing, thinking, feeling, and believing in the connections between people, ideas and happenings. It isn’t just about connecting the dots, but finding the synergy between those dots. How do the dots work for you? How does one event in the world affect you, the bigger picture,…

Another Reason for Strengths-Based Development

“You can be anything you want to be!” This is a common statement I’ve heard from many well-meaning people concerned about our development – parents, teachers, and friends. I’m sure that these were said with the intention to motivate me, but sometimes these statements can do more harm than…

Theme Insights – Connectedness (Part II)

In a previous article, we found out how people with Connectedness have a knack for linking concepts together, enough to perpetuate creativity in discussions. Here, we take a step back and look at Connectedness with a macro view – what Connectedness looks like in its raw and mature forms,…

Strengths Conversations – With Nathanael Moss

During this video interview, I was blown away by Nathanael’s understanding and application of StrengthsFinder in his life.  This is one video you don’t want to miss if you want to see how he created opportunities at work for himself through an understanding of his talents.  And it’s not…

Theme Insights – Adaptability (Part II)

We learnt in a previous article that people with high Adaptability engage with change enthusiastically, and prefer to go with the flow. Their energies pool in the now and the present. As with any other talent theme, it can sometimes be perceived negatively. In this article, we look at some…

Strengths Conversations – With Jerrick Sik

“I’m still a student, will the Clifton StrengthsFinder still be useful for me?”  That’s a question I’ve heard many times.  In this conversation, see what the experiences of a 18-year old student are, and how he used applied it in his own life.

One key in Strengths Development – Habits

I need to build some new habits (or get rid of old ones) if I want to meet my goals. Like many guys, one of my goals is to get awesome-looking, lean six-pack abs. Vanity I know, but at least I’m honest about it.  Unfortunately, my belly now looks more…

Are You Good Enough For Yourself?

“I didn’t do it perfectly and they know it. They’re judging me but aren’t saying it out loud.” “I could have responded in a much better way.” “People who can’t parent well shouldn’t have kids.” “He’s great when doing this but really comes up short when doing that.” These thoughts…

Some Key Considerations for making a Career Transition

Starting a career or making a career transition can be both scary and challenging.  While many people have approached me for career profiling and coaching, one of the more interesting things I’ve heard is this: “Alex, the reason I’m approaching you for help is because I recently got terminated…

Are you self-sabotaging with this misuse of strengths?

Did you know that over 15.7 million Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessments assessments have been taken to date?  Given how young this tool is, this number is staggering.  Nevertheless, as powerful as the Strengths-Based approach is, many people may be engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors without knowing it. One Misconception About Strengths Some time back,…