How you may be unknowingly sabotaging your own goals and what to do about it

We had another awesome talent showcase session for the StrengthsFinder Singapore Network.  There was lots of fun and laughter as we all created and shared our own dream boards.  There were dreams to travel, become fitter, and to live our passions, and we had our boards to help steer our…

Theme Insights – Maximizer (Part II)

In a previous article we saw a brief overview of the characteristics of Maximizers and some ways to manage their tendency to work excessively on a task in their strive towards excellent standards. In this article, we take a deeper dive into what Maximizer means, and what it looks like…

Career Conversations: Discovering & Maximizing Your Strengths At Work

Here’s how to wrap up the year for 2016

It didn’t seem that long ago when I was just setting the goals for objectives for this 2016, and because I know it, it is now coming to an end!  I can’t help but ask myself “Where did all the time go?!”  Here’s a nice way to wrap up…

Strengths and Workplace Engagement

Activating and Increasing Self-Motivation – Part 2

“5… 4… 3… 2… 1… BLAST OFF!”   The voyage began at 9:32 a.m. EDT, July 16, and ended 4 days later on July 20 at 4:18 p.m. EDT, when the Lunar Module of the Apollo 11 finally landed on the Moon. 1. It was mankind’s first foray to the moon…

Empower Your Organization by Appreciating People

This article is a second part to the rationale for business owners or managers to build a culture of appreciation at the workplace. How can you implement appreciation at work such that it is meaningful for every person? Incentives for Appreciation May Backfire In her debt collection company, Christina…

Happiness Comes Through Other People

Can money buy happiness? To answer this question, Harvard Business School Professor Michael Norton approached students on the campus of the University of British Columbia and gave them envelopes of cash. They were asked to, by the end of the day, either (a) spend the money on themselves, or…

Activating and Increasing Self-Motivation – Part 1

“The Best Motivation is Self-Motivation.” – Jim Rohn There are some days (more days than I like) that I feel a lack of motivation to do things.  I would stone in front of the TV, or computer, or just plan staring out into blank space.  Perhaps I’m in the…

Managing The Fear of the Responsibility Talent

One of the observations I have of people high in the Responsibility Talent Theme is that they will often assume responsibility for things are needed to be done, which no one has stepped up to do it.  This can somethings cause them to take on more responsibilities than they can…