CliftonStrengths Theme Insights – Relator

ABOUT THE RELATOR TALENT THEME I remember taking the Gallup Strengthsfinder Test just a little over two years ago, where it reported my top five strengths being Deliberate, Analytical, Harmony, Restorative and Consistency. Gallup states that the chances of you finding someone else with the same top five strengths…

Strengths Conversations – With Jerrick Sik

“I’m still a student, will the Clifton StrengthsFinder still be useful for me?”  That’s a question I’ve heard many times.  In this conversation, see what the experiences of a 18-year old student are, and how he used applied it in his own life.

Theme Insights – Relator

Here is the description for the Relator Theme from the Gallup Business Journal: “Relator describes your attitude toward your relationships. In simple terms, the Relator theme pulls you toward people you already know. You do not necessarily shy away from meeting new people — in fact, you may have…