Strengths Conversations – With Jerrick Sik

“I’m still a student, will the Clifton StrengthsFinder still be useful for me?”  That’s a question I’ve heard many times.  In this conversation, see what the experiences of a 18-year old student are, and how he used applied it in his own life.

Theme Insights – Strategic

People high in the Strategic Theme love options and alternatives, and can feel boxed in when given limited options.  There is a need for them to think outside the box. Example from a recent Meetup Session During our meetup in November, we did an exercise where each person selected…

Theme Insights – Strategic

People with high Strategic Themes generally like to ponder “What ifs” scenarios, and they like to think many steps ahead. With that, it is important for people with Strong Strategic themes to realise that sometimes they are (way) ahead of other people in terms of having thought through things….

Theme Insights – Strategic

People with high Strategic Theme are people who will think of multiple options.  They will usually have Plan A, B, C… and the list goes on.  “What if…?” is a constant question on their minds.  When they are sufficiently satisfied that all options have been considered, they then pick…