Theme Insights – Ideation

People with high Ideation are excited by ideas, and also generate many of them very quickly.  Here’s the description of Ideation from the Gallup Business Journal: “You are fascinated by ideas. What is an idea? An idea is a concept, the best explanation of the most events. You are…

Theme Insights – Self-Assurance

In the previous post on Self-Assurance, we explored how people with high Self-Assurance are seen as risk-takers and are able to break mental barriers of possibilities because of their self-confidence. One other aspect of Self-Assurance is that they can be extremely convincing because of the confidence they display. Even…

Theme Insights – Self-Assurance

People with high Self-Assurance are sometimes seen to be risk-takers.   Here is the Theme Description from the Gallup Business Journal: “Self-Assurance is similar to self-confidence. In the deepest part of you, you have faith in your strengths. You know that you are able — able to take risks,…

Theme Insights – Focus

Here’s the description for the Focus Theme from the Gallup Business Journal: “Where am I headed?” you ask yourself. You ask this question every day. Guided by this theme of Focus, you need a clear destination. Lacking one, your life and your work can quickly become frustrating. And so…

Theme Insights – Empathy

Here is the description of Empathy from the Gallup Business Journal: “You can sense the emotions of those around you. You can feel what they are feeling as though their feelings are your own. Intuitively, you are able to see the world through their eyes and share their perspective….

Theme Insights – Relator

Here is the description for the Relator Theme from the Gallup Business Journal: “Relator describes your attitude toward your relationships. In simple terms, the Relator theme pulls you toward people you already know. You do not necessarily shy away from meeting new people — in fact, you may have…

Theme Insights – Maximizer (Part I)

Here is the description of the Maximizer Theme from the Gallup Business Journal: “Excellence, not average, is your measure. Taking something from below average to slightly above average takes a great deal of effort and in your opinion is not very rewarding. Transforming something strong into something superb takes…

Theme Insights – Intellection

Here is the description of the talent theme Intellection from the Gallup Business Journal: “You like to think. You like mental activity. You like exercising the “muscles” of your brain, stretching them in multiple directions. This need for mental activity may be focused; for example, you may be trying…

Theme Insights – Responsibility

Here’s the description of the Responsibility Theme from the Gallup Business Journal: “Your Responsibility theme forces you to take psychological ownership for anything you commit to, and whether large or small, you feel emotionally bound to follow it through to completion. Your good name depends on it. If for…

Theme Insights – Strategic

People with high Strategic Themes generally like to ponder “What ifs” scenarios, and they like to think many steps ahead. With that, it is important for people with Strong Strategic themes to realise that sometimes they are (way) ahead of other people in terms of having thought through things….