We had one of the most amazing meet-up sessions last week, and I sense that we are achieving a breakthrough in the group.

We started really small by meeting at cafes where everyone could get their own coffees and food as we talked about our StrengthsFinder Talent Themes.  When the network just started, none of us really knew what to expect, neither did I!   We had humble turn-outs of about 7-12 pax each time, and I was experimenting with finding the best location, and the best way to bring about personal insights and self-awareness using the StrengthsFinder Themes.

Gradually, we found that public areas were not that conducive, even for a small group of about 10 pax.  And thanks be to God, we found a small private room which was really affordable!   With the small private room, we could have effective group discussions without external noise, we had projectors, screens and speakers.   And did I mention that the room was sound-proof?   It’s really cool!

The room sits about 12-14 pax comfortably, and anything beyond that would be somewhat crammed.  And for our last session, we had 20 who turned up out of the 21 who RSVPed!   And because the room was full, two of our kind members decided to give it a miss even though they have already made their way down.

During the session, we explored how our StrengthsFinder Talent Themes influenced the roles we played as Fathers, Mothers, Musicians, Pharmacy Technician, Entrepreneur, Coach, etc.   Using our Talent Lenses, we discovered what we needed to perform well, and also how our frustrations are linked to our Talents. During out session, one member made this discovery (paraphrased):

“Understanding StrengthsFinder really changes my perspective of how I view people.  Instead of seeing how people behave as their weakness, I can now see them as their strengths.”

This is an important discovery, because as we start to see strengths in people, we start to appreciate them for who they are, and also approach the relationship with much less judgement!

What I’ve discovered is that the members really love the interaction segment, and have been asking for more time to do so.  So as we grow, we are structuring the sessions to provide much more interaction and peer discovery.

If you are keen to find out more about the StrengthsFinder Singapore Network, come visit our meet-up page and register to join our meet ups!

Get more information about StrengthsFinder by visiting http://gallupstrengthscenter.com

About Alex Wong

Alex is a Strengths Enthusiast who is both a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, and a Certified Strategic Strengths Coach. His passion is in helping people grow into the best versions of themselves by appreciating and growing their innate talents. In his spare time, Alex is a hobbyist magician and a volunteer at his church Sunday school. Top 5 StrengthsFinder 2.0 Themes: Empathy, Individualisation, Developer, Strategic, Learner