Activities that require concentration energises those who are high in Focus.   If you are high in Focus, you probably enjoy periods of intense concentration, even if it is for brief periods of time.  People with high focus can be quickly drained if they are required to manage multiple activities at the same time – something that high Arrangers would love!  What are some ways for people with high Focus to be energised?

Create a to-do list and focus on one activity at a time

Creating a to-do list allows you to park everything else aside as you focus on the completion of just one activity.  In our fast paced society, it can be challenging to find long periods of time to focus on a single task.  Breaking up big tasks into it’s smaller sub-tasks, and focusing on one sub-task at a time would help to both leverage on the Focus talent, yet still provide some flexibility to ensure you give enough attention to separate projects.

Set aside “Do Not Disturb” periods of time

Interruptions are common at work, and people will often demand your time via phone calls, emails, text messages etc.  One way is to set aside a personal “DND” period for yourself where you commit to put everything that could distract you aside.   It can be a short period of 30-40 mins, but if you have high Focus, this short DND period would probably give you a booster shot of energy.

Engage in non-work activities that require focus

Any activity that requires some level of concentration would likely energise someone high in Focus.  These can include:

  • Cleaning the house
  • Washing the dishes
  • Ironing
  • Drawing

Some people may find it interesting that household chores might actually energise one with high Focus.  But give it a shot and you may surprise yourself.

What are your thoughts on how to keep energy high for people with high Focus?  If you have Focus yourself, what activities do you proactively schedule to engage yourself?  Share your comments below!

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About Alex Wong

Alex is a Strengths Enthusiast who is both a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, and a Certified Strategic Strengths Coach. His passion is in helping people grow into the best versions of themselves by appreciating and growing their innate talents. In his spare time, Alex is a hobbyist magician and a volunteer at his church Sunday school. Top 5 StrengthsFinder 2.0 Themes: Empathy, Individualisation, Developer, Strategic, Learner